Abstract Mini Landscape in Watercolor

Abstract Mini Landscape in Watercolor
March 27th, 2024 • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Abstract Mini Landscapes is a fun-sized practice in intuitive watercolor painting.
We will compose a 6'‘ x 6" landscape painting, focusing on color combinations, wet-on-wet blending, and atmospheric composition of land and sky. Students will work with warm-up exercises to master fundamental principles of watercolor that they can use in their everyday watercolor practice outside of class.
This class is excellent for students to build their foundational understanding of watercolor to compose organic and intuitive landscapes. Our focus will be on capturing the essence of our subject with gestural brushstrokes, a colorful palette, and delicate finishing details to bring our paintings to life.
Students will receive a workbook to follow with the instructor during the class!
This class is a great building block for those students who have taken beginning landscape or composition-focused watercolor classes and are interested in exploring a new theme in Watercolor painting.
Though this is a beginner-friendly class, it is excellent for intermediate students who have a basic understanding of brush control and the power of wet-on-dry painting and would like to push toward a more expressive and advanced composition!
This class is appropriate for ages 21+.
All supplies needed for this class are included in the $48 ticket price.
The class ticket includes one complimentary drink token to use during class!
This class will take place at Blue Barn Cidery
928 Manitou Road Hilton, NY 14468